How does it work? There are a couple of easy steps you or someone representing you (e.g., family member, case manager, etc.) must follow to get assistance through HEAR Nashville:
1. Get in touch.
Leave us a message at our call center (877-354-3271) with your name and phone number or you may e-mail us at A trained volunteer will return your call in a timely manner.
2. Help us help you.
The volunteer will ask you questions to determine which assistance program might be best for you. Then, we will send you instructions about how to apply for the program, get a hearing test (if needed), and finish the fitting process. If you need a hearing evaluation, you will be instructed about where to go and whom to contact by the call center representative. If you have questions about your application at any please, please don't hesitate to contact us.
3. Set up an appointment.
After you application is approved, you will make an appointment with the audiologist you are referred to by the call center. They will talk to you about the hearing aid that will be best for you.
During your appointment, the audiologist will visit with you about scheduling an appointment to have your hearing aids fitted and to learn how to clean and maintain your hearing aids.

All of the assistance programs that HEAR Nashville can connect you with require that patients have a current hearing test performed in the past 6 months.
If you need to have a hearing test, a volunteer can talk with you about places that offer hearing tests and advise you on your options, even if you do not currently have health insurance.
If you have a recent hearing test, it is very important to bring a copy of the test results with you to the hearing aid selection appointment with the audiologist who will be assisting you.

Contact us today to start your journey to better hearing. Give us a call or fill out the form to connect you with a volunteer and discuss how we can help.
(877) 354-3271
(615) 442-8333